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Products 97-144 of 570
Chywanprash Herbal Jam - Herbal Health Tonic 10 oz size
Price: $19.49
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOIHCWJ -

Chywanprash is a comprehensive herbal tonic with multiple health benefits, prepared according to an ancient Ayurvedic formula. Used by people around the world today, and especially in India, it is a proven energizer, immunity booster and pre-emptive tonic.

Bazaar of India Cinnamon Oil - Invigorate the senses
Price: $11.55
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOIEOCNM -

Cinnamon essential oil is said to have antispasmodic, antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-infectious properties. Too much cinnamon essential oil can be a skin irritant and over use can be toxic. Blends well with spearmint, clove, ylang-ylang, lavender, bay, benzoin, fir, and citrus oils.

Bazaar of India Clay Neti Nasal Pot - An excellent cleansing tool
Price: $20.85
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOINPCN -

Time tested sinus cleansing tool. Excellent system of cleansing nasal passages and preventing allergies and colds. According to ayurveda, a nasal pot helps to promote the removal of excess mucus due to congestion, rid nostrils of pollen and other allergens, cleanse the nasal membranes of dust, smoke, or other airborne contaminants, relieve nasal dryness due to air travel, improve flow of breath before doing relaxation or meditation techniques.

Bazaar of India Clove Oil - Invigorate the senses
Price: $13.25
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOIEOCLV -

Clove Bud is sometimes used to sweeten breath and eliminate toothache. It also treats flu, sore muscles, arthritis, colds, and bronchial congestion, and is a heating liniment. As a stimulant, clove helps to overcome nervousness, stress, mental fatigue, and poor memory.

Bazaar of India Coconut Hair Oil 8oz. - Spa-quality pampering to your massage therapy
Price: $7.99
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOIMOC10OZ -

Pure Coconut Hair oil is healing for the scalp and hair.

Bazaar of India Cold Aid - Herbal Health Tonic
Price: $16.75
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOIHCDA -

COLD AID is an herbal expectorant formula consisting of herbs which dilate bronchioles and peripheral blood vessels, improve the fluidity of mucous in the respiratory system, and relieve muscle spasms, particularly those resulting in the urge to cough.

Bazaar of India Colon Aid - Herbal Health Tonic
Price: $16.75
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOIHCNA -

Colon Aid is perhaps the most effective all-natural colon cleansing product you can buy. For congested bowels, there is no better herbal combination of ingredients on the market today. Colon Aid helps to naturally boost energy levels, supports healthy skin tones, rid poisons from the intestinal track, deeply clean the colon, and nutritionally supports a healthy immune system function.

Bazaar of India Copper Tongue Cleaner - Cleaner, fresher and healthier mouth
Price: $10.62
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOITCC -

Dental Research indicates that the surface of the tongue is a major source of bad breath. A Tongue Cleaner is a natural breath freshener that effectively removes harmful bacteria that causes bad breath, gum disease, tooth decay and plaque. Our Copper Tongue Cleaner scrapes away bacteria, the coating of white plaque and decaying food particles from the valleys and ridges on the back of the tongue for a cleaner, fresher and healthier mouth.

Bazaar of India Dashmool Massage Oil - Spa-quality pampering to your massage therapy
Price: $9.50
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOIMOD -

Dashmool is translated to mean "ten roots"--referring to the traditional ingredients of the formula. Dashmool oil is a traditional Ayurvedic formula for removing excess vata from the system. Our customers also use Dashmool oil as a nourishing muscle tonic that strengthens the body and calms the nerves. Ayurvedic Action of Dashmool Ama Nashak: toxin digester Balya: Increases strength Kapha-Vatahar: Remover of the Humor of Kapha-Vata Shvashar: Gives relief in Asthma Shothhar: Gives relief in...

Bazaar of India Digestive Aid - Helps facilitate energy flow throughout the body
Price: $16.75
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOIHDA -

Digestive Aid is formulated to provide nutritional support to strengthen the energy of a weakened or depressed stomach/digestive system. Digestive Aid taken after a meal will help speed up the process of food digestion preventing stagnant and undigested food from accumulating and thus slowly changing into excess fat.

Bazaar of India Draksha Digestive Tonic - Herbal Revitalizer
Price: $16.99
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOILTD -

Ayurvedic Draksha has traditionally been used to improve digestion and enhance energy, increasing the utilization of nutrients by the body. Draksha is an herbal liquid tonic. According to Ayurveda, the ingredients in Draksha assist the body in assimilation of various food. Proper digestion is essential for optimal health and draksha helps to revitalize as well as nourish the body's digestive tracks so optimal digestion can be achieved.

Bazaar of India Eclipta Raj Hair Oil - Spa-quality pampering to your massage therapy
Price: $9.25
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOIHOER4.5OZ -

Eclipta-Raj Hair Oil is different because it is used before shampooing so it can't leave and oily residue like many other hair oils do. Eclipta-Raj Hair oil is most effective when used with Hair Rejuv capsulesr. This combination is an excellent source of vitally important nutrients for healthy, shiny, vibrant hair as nature intended. It's never too late to rejuvenate lifeless, thin or brittle hair.

Bazaar of India Energy Tonic - A general mind and body tonic
Price: $24.99
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOILTE -

This traditional ayurvedic tonic has a very strong, somewhat bitter grape juice/vinegar taste because it is basically an herbal wine. Since it is fermented, the product potency will last for years. Also known as Ashwagandharishta.

Bazaar of India Essentials of Ayurveda - by Priya Vrat Sharma
Price: $35.99
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOIBEA -

The present publication, 'Essentials of Ayuveda', is significant in the sense that it contains the essence of all the sixteen specialities of Ayurveda by which one could get working knowledge of the system as a whole. The book, in a sense, is the first representative work of the present age composed in traditional scholarly style.

Bazaar of India Eucalyptus Oil - Invigorate the senses
Price: $15.60
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOIEOEUC -

Eucalyptus is pungent, sharp and somewhat camphoric. It treats sinus and throat infection, fever, flu, chickenpox, and herpes. It is excellent on oily complexion, especially acne, boils and insect bites and for killing lice. The scent also increases energy and emotional imbalance.

Bazaar of India Female Plus Menopause Formula - Herbal Health Tonic
Price: $16.75
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOIHFP -

Female Plus is a unique complex herbal formula that helps women cope with all the discomfort and unpleasant symptoms associated with menopause. It promotes physical and emotional comfort in menopausal and post-menopausal states. It helps with mood swings and sleeplessness. It is also a nervine tonic for those who experience irritability or "hot flashes".

Bazaar of India Female Rejuv - Herbal Revitalizer
Price: $16.75
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOIHFR -

The ingredients in Female Rejuv help to regulate the duration between two cycles. They act as an antispasmodic and uterine muscle relaxant to relieve the pain, and controls excessive menstrual loss which causes anemia and weakness.

Bazaar of India Green Champa Incense - Bring increased relaxation to your clients
Price: $13.64
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOIIGC12 -

A sweeter variation on the Original Nag Champa. A unique scent, reminiscent of the classic Nag Champa, yet with a thick rich aroma of its own. You'll want to add this one to your magical pantry.

Bazaar of India Guduchi Massage Oil - Spa-quality pampering to your massage therapy
Price: $10.49
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOIMOG -

Guduchi massage oil Ingredients: Natural Sesame seed oil, Tinospora cordifolia, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Rubia cordifolia, Nargostachys, and Prunus cerasoides.

Bazaar of India Hair Rejuv - Nutrition your hair needs
Price: $16.75
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOIHHR -

According to Ayurveda, proper hair care involves nourishing the hair follicles from the outside and inside. Regular use of Hair Rejuv gives the hair the nutrition it needs. This herbal combination is an excellent source of vitally important nutrients for healthy, shiny, vibrant hair as nature intended. It's never too late to rejuvenate lifeless, thin or brittle hair.

Bazaar of India Healing Touch Ayurvedic Massage - by Subhash Ranade & Rajan Ravat
Price: $19.99
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOIBHTAM -

Massage is an ancient art used for relaxation as well as for giving tone to the muscles, increasing blood circulation and for treating various diseases. However, Ayurvedic massage has its speciality as it is done according to age, constitution, season, condition of agni and ama.

Bazaar of India Healing with Gems and Crystals - by Daya Sarai Chocron
Price: $5.11
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOIBHGC -

The author brings her wisdom and many years of experience to this complete introduction to the healing properties of crystals and gemstones. Our modern culture is just now rediscovering what the ancients knew: that crystals and gemstones have the capacity to aid in our spiritual transformation, and to heal us.

Bazaar of India Heart Plus - Herbal Health Tonic
Price: $16.75
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOIHHP -

The main affects of Heart Plus are to supplement a nutrient deficient food diet and assist the body in avoiding or delaying the cardiovascular complications which occur with age. Proper diet and exercise along with a balanced nutritional supplement are imperative for beating heart disease. Along with the base of vitamins and minerals, research proven nutrients are in this formula to support a healthy heart.

Bazaar of India Heart Tonic - Also known as Arjunarishta
Price: $17.85
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOILTH -

Since ancient times, this tonic has proved to be a powerful restorative in Ayurvedic therapy. This herbal wine is considered to be useful in the treatment of lung diseases, heart and low blood pressure. It tones up nerves and helps them to work better. A famous Ayurvedic heart and lung tonic. It is an ideal restorative following recovery from severe illness, or surgery.

Bazaar of India Herbal Detox - Herbal Revitalizer
Price: $16.75
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOIHDX -

Detox is a general organ cleanser and tonic, specifically including kidneys, liver, pancreas and gall bladder. Cleanses heavy metals and other poisons, such as mercury, lead, alcohol and a deficiency of the vitamin B complex, especially thiamin, from the blood, nerves and cells.

Bazaar of India Herbal Energize - Revitalize yourself nauturally
Price: $16.75
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOIHEN -

This all natural herbal food combination offers a fantastic blend of energizing and revitalizing Ayurvedic herbs. The herbs blended in this power packed formula give renewed vitality and strength, resistance to stress, replaces energy when the body is being overworked, and rejuvenates a tired sluggish body. Energize is the ideal substitute for coffee and other artificial stimulants.

Bazaar of India Herbs For Health and Beauty - by Suman Seth
Price: $12.99
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOIBHHB -

This is a concise book for care of health and beauty. The world has witnessed an unprecedented resurgence of interest in herbs during the last two decades. This is part of global movement towards a natural lifestyle. The majority of medicines & tonics mentioned in Ayurveda are plant based. Ayurveda, with its vast herbal pharmacopoeia is one of the greatest gifts of the ancients Indian Sages to mankind.

Bazaar of India Hidden Secret of Ayurveda - by Robert E. Svoboda
Price: $6.25
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOIBHSA -

The Hidden Secret of Ayurveda is an excellent introduction and overview of the profound, ancient Indian healing system known as Ayurveda. The book gives the reader a chance to sense the working principles of Ayurveda, and see how it can be adapted and integrated into life in a practical way, for today's health needs.

Bazaar of India Holistic Principles of Ayurvedic Medicine - by Ram Harsh Singh
Price: $13.45
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOIBHPAM -

The book 'Holistic Principles of Ayurvedic Medicine' written by the well known author Professor Ram Harsh Singh is a complete and comprehensive treatise on the subject. This is the first book in English which deals with the subject in all completeness and clarity covering all aspects of the fundamental principles of Ayurveda, its unique approaches and the details of clinical medicine, diagnostics and therapeutics of Ayurveda.

Bazaar of India Joint Relief - Herbal Health Tonic
Price: $16.75
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOIHJR -

Joint Relief deals with the root cause of rheumatic disorders by helping to eliminate the toxic matter in the body so all the joints can return to a healthy state. This unique herbal formula not only helps in joint lubrication and but also prevents further degeneration of the joints as well.

Bazaar of India Kidney Aid - Helps rid the body of excess water weight
Price: $16.75
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOIHKA -

In the struggle to lose weight it is important that one's stomach and digestive energy be well maintained so that the food that is eaten can be properly digested. The active herbal ingredients in Kidney Aid can greatly help ensure that one's digestive strength is sufficient to help prevent stagnant and undigested food from accumulating and gradually changing to fat.

Bazaar of India Kumari Asava Aloe Vera Tonic for Women - Aloe Vera Revitalizer for Women
Price: $17.95
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOILTKA -

This tonic is considered to be helpful in controlling symptoms related to menstruation. Ingredients: Aloe vera, honey, iron powder, Ginger (zingiber officinale), Long pepper (piper longum), Clove (eugenia caryophyllus), cinnamomum casia, Tej patta (cinnamom tamala), Cardamom (elettari cardomomum), mesua ferrea, Chitrak (plumbago zeylanica), Long pepper (piper longam), Vidanga (embelia ribes), saindapus officinalis, Chavika (piper chaba), Juniper (juniperus communis), Coriander (coriandrum...

Bazaar of India Lavender Oil - Invigorate the senses
Price: $20.99
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOIEOLAV -

There are many uses for lavender. It calms the nervous system, making it a sedative. It also reduces stress in the body with its anti-spasmodic qualities. When the body is relaxed, the mind can also relax. A tea made of lavender can be consumed as a sedative. Lavender oil can be placed, a drop at a time, on the temples to relieve headache, or in the bath to relax. Other uses of lavender oil, mixed with water or other herbal oils, are to relieve joint pain, as an antiseptic, and to aid...

Bazaar of India Lemongrass Oil - Invigorate the senses
Price: $14.69
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOIEOLMG -

Lemongrass is excellent for sagging skin and stretch marks. Use in a carrier lotion or oil for massage. Diffuse to lessen fatigue and clear thinking. Lemongrass can be used with a carrier in the bath.

Bazaar of India Liv Aid - Ensures optimum liver function
Price: $16.75
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOIHLIA -

Liv Aid is a botanical alternative medicine formulation which effectively cleanses and rejuvenates the liver. Close to two dozen major body functions are performed by the liver on a continuous basis. When the liver is unhealthy or diseased, many of these functions do not operate correctly.

Bazaar of India Liver Tonic - Enormous health benefits for everyone.
Price: $17.85
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOILTL -

Liver Tonic simply ensures optimum liver function. Through the protection of the hepatic parenchyma, and by way of its potent antioxidant properties,the product acts as a powerful detoxification agent. It neutralizes all kinds of toxins and poisons from food, water, air and medications-all sources of detrimental effects on the liver.

Bazaar of India Lost Secrets of Ayurvedic Acupuncture - by Dr. Frank Ros
Price: $16.75
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOIBLSAA -

Ayurvedic Acupuncture is based upon the Suchi Veda, a 3,000 year old Vedic text which, in the Ayurvedic system, is the Science of Acupuncture. It has been practiced as an accessory therapy since it was used in conjunction with other forms to effect healing. It belongs more correctly to the branch of surgery, one of the eight medical discplines of Ayurveda.

Bazaar of India Mahanarayan Oil - Spa-quality pampering to your massage therapy
Price: $18.99
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOIMOM -

Mahanarayan oil Ingredients: Sesame Seed oil (Sesamum Indicum), Bilwa (Aegle Marmelos), Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera), Kanta Kari (Solanum Indicum), Gokshura (Tribulus Terrestris), Shyonak tvak (Oroxylum indicum), Bala (Sida Cardifolia), Neem (Azadirachta Indica), Kantakari (Solanum xanthocarpum), Purnarnava (Boerhaavia Diffusa), Atibala (Abutilon indicum), Agnimantha (Premna Intgrifolia), Prasarani (Clerodendrum Phlomidus), Patal Twak (Sterospermum suaveolens), Gaudugdh (Cow milk),...

Bazaar of India Massage Therapy in Ayurveda - by Vaidya Bhagwan Dash
Price: $19.99
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOIBMTA -

Though massage is described as a preparatory measure to be administered prior to Panchakarma or the "five specialized therapies" of classical Ayurveda, its utility as an independent and distinct therapuetic measure is well recognized due to its rejuvenating effect on the body and the mind.

Bazaar of India Nag Champa Herbal Soap - Great herbal product
Price: $1.18
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOISNCH -

Just like Nag Champa beauty soap, this variety is free from animal fats. It comes boxed in 75g bars. Nag Champa Herbal soap is designed as a skin conditioner/toner... it contains over twenty ayurvedic herbal extracts and it smells good too!

Bazaar of India Nag Champa Orange Soap - Great gift idea
Price: $1.18
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOISNCORA -

Nag Champa Orange soap can be used to revive a dull or oily complexion. It has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, bactericidal and fungicidal properties, imparting a fresh and lively feeling to the skin. (75gm bar)

Bazaar of India Nag Champa Original Soap - A definite favorite!
Price: $4.89
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOISNCORG -

The Original Satya Sai Baba Nag Champa Incense Company now has a soap!. If you like your Nag Champa Incense, you will absolutely LOVE Nag Champa Soap! This natural soap is a wonderful Blend of Champa flower essences, (a beautifully fragrant flower native to India) and top quality herbs and spices, creating an absolutely superb rich sweet earthy fragrance. Smells just like the Nag Champa Incense!

Bazaar of India Natural Healing Through Ayurveda - by Subhash Ranade & David Frawley
Price: $14.99
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOIBNHTA -

Ayurveda is the most comprehensive holistic system of healing known. Natural healing though Ayurveda stands out as valuable modern presentation of this ancient system and is the first book on Ayurveda to discuss Marma points (Ayurvedic pressure points), the origin of Acupuncture.

Bazaar of India Neem Oil - Invigorate the senses
Price: $13.65
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOIEONEM -

This is pure steem-distilled Neem oil. The oil HAS NOT been diluted in any other oils and is the most potent form of Neem available. The oil has actually been preserved with pieces of the Neem plant in it. Neem oil is used in India to make all sorts of consumer products, such as soap, cosmetics, antiseptics, toothpastes, gargle, ointments, poultices, lubricants, fertilizers and fuel for oil lamps.

Bazaar of India Neem Soap - Experience the pleasure of healthy, radiant skin
Price: $3.99
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOISN -

The only soap with full herbal and medicinal properties and with anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Contains pure Neem oil and should only be used when needed for pimples, rashes, poison oak, etc.

Bazaar of India Numerology with Tantra, Ayurveda & Astrology - by Harish Johari
Price: $13.60
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOIBNTAA -

One of the world's leading Tantric scholars, Harish Johari presents both the classical view of the chakras as well as modern and practical applications, and he describes visualization and chanting techniques for directing creative energy to the higher consciousness. For the first time, a Tantric scholar and expert in the Hindu traditions of Ayurveda and astrology presents a system of numerology that combines numerical calculations, astrological data, and an analysis of body type. ...

Bazaar of India Orange Oil - Invigorate the senses
Price: $10.49
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOIEOORA -

Massage, Bath, Diffuse, Household Use in a massage to relax and provide energy after a hard days work, or for a facial massage. Diffuse to help ease symptoms of bronchitis, colds, chills, and the flu, and to soothe stress and depression. A clockwise abdominal massage of Orange may ease constipation and water retention, while a few drops added to a facial wash or shower gel encourages radiant, younger looking skin.

Bazaar of India Original Nag Champa Incense - Bring increased relaxation to your clients
Price: $18.89
Availability: Discontinued
Bazaar of India Item #: BOIIONC12 -

This is the original scent that has become famous the world over. Contains no artificial perfumes of scents.Nag Champa Incense from India is one of the most popular brands of incense in the world. Indeed, for many people, when they think of incense, they think of Nag Champa. It is a hand-rolled blend of flowers, spices, and resins, and each stick burns for about 45 minutes. We invite you to find out why it is the most popular incense in the world.

We know the selection of massage supplies can be overwhelming. From so many name brands, with so many products each! Heck, just the selection of scents, ingredients, and sizes of massage oil is overwhelming. Grapeseed, or rice bran, or jojoba, which should you get? Now then, do you need that in an oil, or a lotion, or a cream? It's enough to give you a headache. We suggest to just accept that you can't know it all, and can't try them all at once. Talk to other therapists, ask to see their lotions and oils to see if they have one you like, and go from there. Read about the difference between flannel sheets sets or Percale, or Jersey to decide which is best for you. Even if you buy something you really don't like then chances are the manufacturer or reseller will offer to send a replacement or exchange. Over time you'll find the massage oil that works best for you, the sheet sets that you like the most, and a massage bolster pillow that you just can't do without.