Massage tables. Massage chairs. Massage supplies.

Sports Massage is the fastest growing massage technique. Sports massage is a system of movements including stretching, gliding, compressings. Sports massage's main focuses on the manipulation and rehabilitation of the soft tissues and blood circulation and flow. Sports massage is primarily used for sports training, injury prevention and rehabilitation -- it allows athletes to train more efficiently.

Sports Massage

Products 1-12 of 12
Real Bodywork Sports Massage DVD -
Price: $49.95
Availability: In Stock
Real Bodywork Item #: RBSMDVD -

This comprehensive DVD gives you more than two hours of footage detailing 13 sessions that will give you the tools to work with runners, cyclists, swimmers, tennis players and other athletes. Learn about the physiological principles that govern sports massage and the differences between each sport. You get a pre-event session for runners, an inter-event massage for and tennis players and a post-event session for cyclists along with other sessions detailing sequences for many types of injuries....

The Massage Therapy Video Library - Save $80 when ordering the whole series!
Price: $399.00
Availability: Discontinued
V.I.E.W. Video Item #: VIEWSMLIB -

The first truly professionally produced videos for the massage industry, these broadcast quality multi-camera productions are enhanced with slow-motion, freeze-frame, close-ups, original music, electronic graphics and angled views of the hands-on demonstrations.  They are also conveniently broken into appropriate chapters with review sections, so you can select your own areas of interest for repeated viewing. Filmed at the International Sports Massage Conference, these programs are hosted...

Volume 10: Sports Chiropractic Video -
Price: $39.98
Availability: Discontinued
V.I.E.W. Video Item #: VIEW10SC -

Volume 11: Women in Sports Massage -- Issues We Face Video -
Price: $39.98
Availability: Discontinued
V.I.E.W. Video Item #: VIEW11WSM -

Volume 12: Basic PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation) Video -
Price: $39.98
Availability: Discontinued
V.I.E.W. Video Item #: VIEW12PNF -

Chapter 1: PNF Background Information Chapter 2: Spiral/Diagonal Patterns Chapter 3: The Muscle Spindle Chapter 4: The Golgi Tendon Organ Chapter 5: The Techniques of PNF Chapter 6: Hands-on Demonstrations Chapter 7: Step-by-step Review

Volume 3: Athletic Massage (A Sidelying Approach) Video - Well known and respected in the sports massage industry.
Price: $39.98
Availability: Discontinued
V.I.E.W. Video Item #: VIEW3AMSA -

Interview Chapter 1: Pillow Placement Chapter 2: Techniques Chapter 3: Step-by-Step Hands-on Demonstrations Chapter 4: Shoulder Mobilization and Getting Access

Volume 4 A Cyclists Sports Massage Video - Well known and respected in the sports massage industry.
Price: $39.98
Availability: Discontinued
V.I.E.W. Video Item #: VIEW4CSM -

Volume 5: Athletic Massage - An Overview Video - Well known and respected in the sports massage industry.
Price: $39.98
Availability: Discontinued
V.I.E.W. Video Item #: VIEW5AMO -

Interview Chapter 1: Athletes Common Problems Chapter 2: Trigger Point Work Chapter 3: Scar Tissue Chapter 4: Scar Tissue Physiology Chapter 5: Approaches to Injury Chapter 6: Eccentric Exercises Chapter 7: Local Muscle Spasm Chapter 8: Adhesions Chapter 9: Tennis & Golfers' Elbow Chapter 10: The Achilles Tendon Chapter 11: The Use of Ice

Volume 6: An Intro to Soma Bodywork Video - Well known and respected in the sports massage industry.
Price: $39.98
Availability: Discontinued
V.I.E.W. Video Item #: VIEW6ISB -

Chapter 1: From Rolfing to Soma Chapter 2: Structural Types Chapter 3: Standing Structural Awareness Exercises Chapter 4: The 10 Sessions of Soma Chapter 5: The 3-Brain Theory Chapter 6: Themes of the Body Chapter 7: Body Reading

Volume 7: Establishing Sports Massage in the College Environment Video - Well known and respected in the sports massage industry.
Price: $39.98
Availability: Discontinued
V.I.E.W. Video Item #: VIEW7SMCE -

Interview Chapter 1: Sports Massage in the Collegiate Setting Chapter 2: The College Sports Massage System Chapter 3: The U. of Florida Sports Massage Setting Chapter 4: How to Get Into Sports Massage Chapter 5: Questions and Answers Chapter 6: Sports Massage: A Bright Future

Volume 8: An Intro to Acupressure and Sports Massage Video - Well known and respected in the sports massage industry.
Price: $39.98
Availability: Discontinued
V.I.E.W. Video Item #: VIEW8ASM -

Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Four Areas of Sports Massage Chapter 3: The Local Grass Roots Massage Therapist Chapter 4: Chinese Medicine Chapter 5: Acupressure of the Ear Chapter 6: 1: Large Intest 4 (LI4) 2: Liver 3 (L3) 3: Heart 7 (H7) 4: Spleen 9 (S9) 5: Kidney 1 (K1) Chapter 7: 1: Gall Bladder 34 (GB34) 2: Stomach 36 (S36) 3: Pericardium 6 (P6) Chapter 8: The Back of the Body 1: Bladder 57 (B57) 2: Bladder 40 (B40) 3: Gall Bladder 31 (GB31) 4: Governing Vessel 14 (G14) 5: Governing...

Volume 9: Sports Marketing -- A Team Concept Video -
Price: $39.98
Availability: Discontinued
V.I.E.W. Video Item #: VIEW9SM -